Lazy Jones

Do you ever feel so lazy that when you eat something, get halfway through and can’t even be bothered chewing anymore so just sit there with half eaten food in your mouth wishing it would just magic itself into your stomach so you didn’t have to put in the work to get it there…..

Fryer Tuck

When I get my hair stuck in hair ties or other various things and have to yank a chunk of hair out I always lose my shit. I was definitely not blessed with a head of hair that I can afford to lose chunks out of like that. I’ll be bald by the time I’m 40 at this rate.

I start work at 5am and I have my first breakfast – I will have a second breakfast around 8am where you may notice that I never order a side of your judgement to go with it, what I need is a hot cup of support for my ability to consume large amounts of food every few hours.

Thank you.


A snowbawl.

When you are upset and cry about something, then you think of another sad thing so you cry about that, then you remember something else sad so cry about that then so on and so forth.

Brought to you by Katie Jones