3 years ago today….

Me, on our way to the next destination in Sri Lanka “is anyone hungry, shall we stop for lunch?”

Parents “yeah could stop for a bite”

I fall asleep in the car and wake up as we pull in to the hotel “oh we’re here, I thought we were stopping for lunch? I’m starving!”

Mum “oh… yeah…well we got gin” as she pulls out a 40oz from her bag.

Life on holiday with my parents…what I would give to be able to do it all again….



Looking for some #fitspo? Not feeling like you are in the best shape for all those impending summer beersies and BBQ’s? And we all love a #cheatday don’t we!! Hehehe. Well, I’m here to help you with some #diet #tipsandtricks to get you back on track and feeling great!

I kicked off my day with 1x tube of Sour Cream & Chives Pringles chips. The tube is just that perfect long and slender shape that all us gals want to achieve, definitely my fitspo! Hehe. The chives give you your first serving of veggies for the day in one whole tube! Perfect!

Then for a little snack in-between lunch (its important to eat 6 small meals a day to keep that metabolism active and healthy!) I enjoyed a palm sized serving of iced boysenberry fruit on a stick swirled in with frozen cream and covered in chocolate. Im a huge sweet tooth oops! Hehe. But that was my fruit intake for the day which is a bonus! Healthy snacks are delicious too!

Then for lunch I prepared a small bowl of delicious home cooked noodles in just under two minutes. So simple and easy! I threw in a couple of dried veggies and super fine chicken powder, its a great meal to have on the run and you get that protein hit!

My second snack of the day to keep me going until dinner was a palm sized nutritional bar called a ‘Mars’ I like to freeze them which is so refreshing when living in a tropical climate.

If you are always prepared then you will never fail. Make a change now! Its not a just a choice, its a lifestyle! #loveyourbody #fitspo #workout #paleo #bikiniprep #gymlife #girlsthatlift #abs #training #girl #sexy #cute

Do you need some nailing?

My new favourite thing is to sit very quietly in my back ‘garden’ and listen to all my neighbours phone conversation gossip. I have about 10 different sources to tap into.

Today, in ‘Irish neighbour on the left’ news – her friend needed some building work done on her flat so a guy came over to give her a quote and said it was a big job. He lived a while away so he ended up temporarily moving into the flat with this girl. He’s 7 foot tall so he even brought over his own mattress to put on the floor of her apartment. Cut to a few days later, the building work is underway and the two are now banging more than just nails into the wall…..

You can tell a-lot about a person by their…

It’s always an interesting time of reflection when the end of the financial year rolls around…. as I am trawling through my bank statements in one mother of a spreadsheet, coding it all up to send back to my accountant, seeing exactly how much money I spend on food, alcohol and random crap online alone is embarrassing, hilarious, depressing and ridiculous.
I am the poster girl for being a burger eating, coffee swilling, online shopping, eggs benedict connoisseur who is consistently drunk.

Running sucks

With the UK government allowing 1 type of outdoor exercise per day per person during the lock down period, I considered going for a run in the sunshine today. But then I slapped myself back into reality and remembered that not even a global pandemic could make me go for a run.

Viral idiocracy

If you’re feeling uneasy about the pandemic just remember that some people will probably put crystals out under a full moon to ‘charge’ and use them for healing against the virus….

Coloured rocks….made by the earth… which are totally and utterly scientifically useless.

You don’t look like princess

Uber driver changes the music from generic pop to gangsta rap: “do you like this music? I change it because you don’t look like princess”
Me: “It’s fine, I don’t care”
Uber driver: “This kind of music has a lot of dirty words, I’m not sure to be sorry or not”
Me: “Uhhhh, I’m not sure what to say”
Uber driver: “Just listen ok”
Me: “………. ok?”