Looking for some #fitspo? Not feeling like you are in the best shape for all those impending summer beersies and BBQ’s? And we all love a #cheatday don’t we!! Hehehe. Well, I’m here to help you with some #diet #tipsandtricks to get you back on track and feeling great!

I kicked off my day with 1x tube of Sour Cream & Chives Pringles chips. The tube is just that perfect long and slender shape that all us gals want to achieve, definitely my fitspo! Hehe. The chives give you your first serving of veggies for the day in one whole tube! Perfect!

Then for a little snack in-between lunch (its important to eat 6 small meals a day to keep that metabolism active and healthy!) I enjoyed a palm sized serving of iced boysenberry fruit on a stick swirled in with frozen cream and covered in chocolate. Im a huge sweet tooth oops! Hehe. But that was my fruit intake for the day which is a bonus! Healthy snacks are delicious too!

Then for lunch I prepared a small bowl of delicious home cooked noodles in just under two minutes. So simple and easy! I threw in a couple of dried veggies and super fine chicken powder, its a great meal to have on the run and you get that protein hit!

My second snack of the day to keep me going until dinner was a palm sized nutritional bar called a ‘Mars’ I like to freeze them which is so refreshing when living in a tropical climate.

If you are always prepared then you will never fail. Make a change now! Its not a just a choice, its a lifestyle! #loveyourbody #fitspo #workout #paleo #bikiniprep #gymlife #girlsthatlift #abs #training #girl #sexy #cute

Feeling thankful

cheeseheadThe inspirational quote lovers bang on about being grateful for the simple things in life that many take for granted, but does that mean that I can just be grateful for cheese and the amount I am able to consume with no rejection or aftermath, no intolerance or allergy, that I can just take several moments out of my week to thank cheese for being one of the greatest things in existence, and forget about all the other cliche things people are thankful for, like a roof over your head and running water. As much as I love a scolding hot shower and a fluffy bed, I know in my heart of hearts that if I, for any reason was unable to eat cheese I would struggle to find real depth and meaning to my life.

My ability to consume a vast amount of cheese and the euphoria that is gifted to me from it should not be underestimated, therefore I would like to take this moment to be sincerely thankful for my body and to cheese for allowing me to live out my cheese dreams as I see fit.

Thank you,

Love from Katie Jones


I’m just over here like…..

undiesNow that I’m 30 years old, 80% of my news feed is my friends getting engaged and married, having babies and buying houses…. I just spent 10 minutes talking to a shoe cobbler who was holding my boot that needed repairs praying that he wouldn’t see the stray pair of undies stuffed inside them. Low and behold he tipped the boot to look at the sole and said undies came tumbling out onto the floor.
We both stared at them in silence.
I’m thinking… “do I pick them up and acknowledge it or do I pick them up and pretend like it never happened?” He’s thinking… “is that what I think it is?”
I went for the grab, chuckle and carry on the conversation method and exited knowing that I will still be doing this at 40 while everyone else continues to adult better than I can.

Fitspo babes

Diet tipsHEY GUYS & GALS.

Looking for some #fitspo? Not feeling like you are in the best shape after all those summer beersies and BBQ’s? And we all love a #cheatday dont we!! Hehehe. Well, I’m here to help you with some #diet #tipsandtricks to get you back on track and feeling great!

I kicked off my day with 1x tube of Sour Cream & Chives Pringles chips. The tube is just that perfect long and slender shape that all us gals want to achieve, definitely my fitspo! Hehe. The chives give you your first serving of veges for the day in one whole tube! Perfect!
Then for a little snack in-between lunch (its important to eat 6 small meals a day to keep that metabolism active and healthy!) I enjoyed a palm sized serving of iced boysenberry fruit on a stick swirled in with frozen cream and covered in chocolate. Im a huge sweet tooth oops! Hehe. But that was my fruit intake for the day which is a bonus! Healthy snacks are delicious too!
Then for lunch I prepared a small bowl of delicious home cooked noodles in just under two minutes. So simple and easy! I threw in a couple of dried veges and super fine chicken powder, its a great meal to have on the run and you get that protein hit!
My second snack of the day to keep me going until dinner was a palm sized nutritional bar called a ‘Mars’ I like to freeze them which is so refreshing when living in a tropical climate.
If you are always prepared then you will never fail. Make a change now! Its not a just a choice, its a lifestyle! #loveyourbody #fitspo #workout #paleo #bikiniprep #gymlife #girlsthatlift #abs #training #girl #sexy #cute